The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop

The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop produces letters in stone, glass, metal, paper and wood, including headstones, commemmorative plaques, heraldic carving, sundials, typefaces, bookplates and lettering cut straight into buildings.

I was an apprentice there for three years from 2007 to 2010 and learned everything I could about lettering from Lida Cardozo Kindersley. Lida liked to say that she was dedicated to the increase of good lettering in the world, and I like to think that I share that philosophy.

Many visitors were suprised to learn of the Workshop’s existence. I’m sure if they were to look hard enough, they would find more small businesses like the Cardozo Kindersley Workshop. They are there, but they don’t shout about it, they just quietly get on with the work.

To see more, please visit their excellent website at:

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